Current Partnerships

Partnerships offer the ability to leverage expertise and resources.

The inception of HCP began in Contra Costa County with funding support from John Muir Community Health Fund. The model was developed and improved through the work of three organizations: Empowered Aging, Mt. Diablo Adult Education, and Opportunity Junction. Bringing together the experience and expertise of each organization, the HCP model was designed to address three main needs identified in 2018:

  • Increase the number of direct care workers, specifically CNAs, to improve the quality of care for residents in skilled nursing facilities and reduce elder abuse and neglect through a focus on person-centered care

  • Provide a pathway into living wage careers in healthcare for motivated job seekers who historically face barriers to education and employment by including wraparound supportive services and 1:1 case management

  • Improve the quality of care provided in healthcare facilities and specifically support the needs of more vulnerable medical residents

Original Partners in Contra Costa

Our founding training sites include Mt. Diablo Adult Education and Opportunity Junction.

New Partnerships in Development

Our expansion includes developing HCP Programs for CNA training in up to 6 counties across the state. Currently we are developing these partnerships in Alameda and Sonoma county:

  • Alameda Area Agency on Aging

  • San Leandro Adult and Career Education Center

  • Sonoma Workforce Development Board

  • Senior Advocacy Services

Student Success Story

CNA of the Year - Doreen Katiba

“Before this training, working in a hospital setting was a dream that has now become my reality. I am a new me.” - Doreen Katiba